Wednesday, December 12, 2012


Ok so I have been stalking YouTube and Pinterest trying to find a fun way to announce the pregnancy to the dads. Problem number 1: they want to wait for beta, understandably so. Problem number 2: since they will be waiting for beta, there's no way I can mail anything because everyone knows the beta date so they will be foot tapping waiting for the call. I need ideas on something fun and cute of how to spread the good news (because its sooo going to work the first time!) right! Right?
Hey big man upstairs...... This is my Christmas wish *hint hint*!

One idea I saw was to take a picture of the pregnancy test with a note that says "can't wait to meet you"
I also would include the beta number.
It's a good idea but I was just curious of anything better.
Let me know!!
Also, the dads read the blog and we are friends on Facebook so I won't be posting too much until beta. But, I may have to ban them from the blog until then so they don't see all your wonderful answers;)

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